Sunday, February 17, 2013

Whole30 Life

I don't have a recipe today, but am just going to share random thoughts, happenings and life things.

I started my whole30 last Sunday - I have had some minors mess-ups unfortunately, but part of that has to do with the fact that the day I decided to start was also the day I had an out of town concert, had to be awake at 4:30 AM - and be out all day - not the best timing in the world. But I've been trying - I'd hoped that I would do no nuts at all for 30 days, but I find that a struggle because if I do get hungry, and when I need a snack nuts are a good go to because they wrap up fat and protein into one. Or maybe I'm just addicted to them. Hmm. I have however amazingly not had any chocolate in an entire week - this is a miracle for me - it has been tough and I didn't think I could do it. Honestly. I even dreamt about chocolate, craved donuts and other sugar foods that I never crave. Guess I'm more addicted than I thought...

I've been learning a lot through out the week - like how much I depend on sugar - and how many more vegetables I need to incorporate into my diet - especially at breakfast and lunch. I am getting better at my portion sizes and have been making all the difference in keeping my energy levels up throughout the day! Yay!

I've begun to make meals that look more like this - or contain something of the likes instead of jumping to a banana with almond butter, or a paleo muffin when I feel rushed - quick foods are good when you really need them but I'm realizing just how much I depend on them when I could simply make 20 extra minutes in the morning to have a proper food to eat - and nourish my body for a good start to the day.

I've been making a point of making sure I buy my vegetables organic recently - I have found a really great local market here and the quality of the produce they offer is excellent! I know that I might now always be able to afford to buy everything organic, but I feel that doing it while I can instead of not because I know I won't always be able to is going to do my body some amount of good. At least that's what I tell myself.

Speaking of good quality food, I have to give a plug in to my ranch - take a look at that bacon. I buy Pastured raised meet from a local farmer (Well, about three hours away) - they quality of the meat they sell is phenomenal - you can taste the care of the animals in the meat, and I love knowing that I am supporting local farmers, as the food industry could be in real trouble if we don't start to support our farmers - we will be taken over my processed foods even more as farmers won't be able to afford to keep their farms going - or raise quality food. I think that supporting our neighbours, helping them to keep their jobs is one of the best gifts we could give our farmers, even if your health isn't your initial motivation for buying local meat.

 Every third week of the month, they come into town and all of us health nuts gather in a parking lot to pick up out meat for the month. I love the people, the food and amazingly enough I found out that one of them eats Paleo this week. (I also found out one of my Prof's does - I was so shocked and my excitement nearly bubbled over as I had never met another Paleor in my life- and its hard for non-Paleo's to grasp the why of why we do this.) Yay!  The one day a month where they come into town is always one of my favorites days of the month. Yesterday, was that day for me. Next month I can't go to meat pick up , so I ordered double the meat of usual - hopefully I will hold me over till April. I think I will be okay!

I Also bought liver this month. I have no idea what to do with it. Any suggestions, would be grand.

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